October 20, 2010

Update 10-20-10

Aight so here is a quick little update...

I'm almost a week away from the Marine Corps Marathon in Arlington, VA. It will take place on Halloween. No Candy or Costumes for this runner! Just gels, singlets and tiny shorts.
I've finished building up my milage for the marathon. The weekend after Halfmax Nationals I completed a 19 mile run and last week I did a 21 mile run. I am very much on track to do well in the marathon... considering I've only had a few weeks to prep for the distance. My final time will mainly be a result of how hard I really want to push myself and of coarse weather conditions.

So now that the 2010 Triathlon Season is over, final results are rolling in:
Ranked 3rd overall in the Virginia Triathlon Series.
Finished with USAT All American Honors. Nationally ranked in the top 5% in my age group.

I will need to decide whether I can race at ITU Long Course World Championships in Las Vegas November 2011 by the end of the month. Right now I am on the fence about racing it becuase Ironman 70.3 World Championships are in Las Vegas as well 2 month prior in September, which I for sure want to qualify for and race. Also the ITU Course is a 4k swim, 120k bike, 30k run... a format which is swim heavy (does not suit me right now, but I guess who knows where I'll be w/ my swim in a year). Not sure I can $afford$ to do both races and race all the events I want to race throughout 2011.

Next update will be after MCM.


Chuck said...

Do ITU worlds. You're a beast and will domintate it. Plus, I'm going to do it and need someone to train with...and split hotel costs

Unknown said...

I haven't completely said No to ITU Worlds yet. Have one more wk to think about it.