January 3, 2012

Holiday Report

I'm heading into my 4th week of limited training and zero running miles.  Limited training being a few strength sessions, a few swim sessions, and a couple bike sessions per week.  It has been a much needed mental break more than just a physical break.  I don't have to think GO GO GO after work for the time being, which has good and bad consequences.  Cross training is in full effect.  Triathlon and marathon training will start ramping up again within the coming weeks though.  My right knee is still problematic so I've finally decided to go to the doctor for some X-Rays.  I really miss running and it's been mentally challenging forcing myself to not run.

As far as race scheduling goes I've only signed up for two races: Boston Marathon and Ironman 70.3 World Championships.  Since I can't be positive I'll be on the East Coast this race season, scheduling will be determined based on where I go to school. Which could be very good since there are so many more high profile races on the West Coast, which could mean better sposorship oportunities.

Speaking of schools (as everyone has been constantly asking) I have just about submitted all my applications!! Very exciting.  It will either be Colorado, Oregon St, Cal Berkely, Oregon, or Florida.  I should find out mid-March.

Here are some left over Holiday pics and Old Rag Mountain hike/climb pics.

A Happy Farrell Family Christmas/Festivus (post opening gifts on Christmas Eve)

Christmas Day at Jean & Fritz's house.

Christi's 2 week visit prompted many a visit to the beach (muy muy frio) 
just a short walk from Moms house.

Super perfect climbing tree (although branches kept breaking under my feet).

The climb is not complete without a yoga pose atop the highest peak of the hike.. or could I be diving off the summit.

Starting the New Year off right with an amazing climb to the Old Rag Summit.

1 comment:

Chuck said...

Good luck with schools bro!