November 17, 2010

So now it's the "off season".

Its almost been 3 weeks since MCM now. During these 3 weeks I've ran twice. A break like this in running is super important for the mind and body. Honestly when I finished MCM I was on the verge of sustaining multiple over-training injuries. I was just flat out tired at that point from a year of racing.

The most important aspect of training is knowing when to give your body a rest. In the past I've pushed my body too far at the end of the year and suffered the consequences. So this time I am taking 3-4 weeks off from hard training. Ok I may have put in a couple beast bike rides, I'm only human. Choosing to take a month off is soooo much better than being forced to take 2-3 months off due to injury DUH. Some call it the art of training. Its an ongoing process which I probably will never master.

During the off season I suggest taking a minimum 3 weeks off from each sport. For instance I took a full month off from swimming during October. As I said before I am in the midst of taking a 3 week break from running. My break from cycling will occur during the coldest time of the year.

I'm trying to get into my gym schedule now. Its been harder than I thought, as going to the gym is not super convenient. I am excited, however, to try some new swim training techniques and programs.

I've been consumed with house improvements the past couple weeks as well. Painting, replacing appliances and faucets, fixing plumbing issues, cleaning and more cleaning. And I'm almost all done with that. I'm basically trying to get my place in order to rent out at some point in the near future.

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