September 4, 2011

Wildfires, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, GRE Exam, and Rock N Roll Half Marathon

Wildfires, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tornadoes...
I have to comment on all the fury of mother nature lately.  I've had to adjust some of my training due to the wildfire in the Dismal Swamp.  I refuse to train inhaling all that smoke, so I had to relocate some of the training indoors last month.  Then the earthquake, which I experienced in the office.  Very weird feeling, but as I have lived in California it wasn't my first quake.  Then Hurricane Irene came thru our area, which I did not stay for.. mostly because I wanted to get out to the Blue Ridge Mountains to bike.  I had the greatest day riding the Blue Ridge. I swear every time I go back it just gets more and more fun.  This will be last Sunday and I rode a little over 100 miles.

GRE Exam..
For the passed month or two I've been studying for the GRE test.  Yes I am going back to school to get my masters in Environmental Science/Studies.  The test came and went and I did pretty decent.. I still need to improve my vocab, but I have the math on lock down as I do math all day at work anyway.  I take the test for realz in November and in the meantime I will choose what schools I will apply to.

Virginia Beach Rock N Roll Half Marathon Race Report..
This was the first time I've done this race.  I always have another race at this time, but this year my schedule was open and it was a great time for me to get in run preparation for Augusta 70.3.  Based on my 5k time, I should be able to finish the 1/2 marathon in a time of approximately 1:18 depending on the temperature.  After my long ride in the mountains on Sunday I really took it easy on the cycling.  I had also been tapering my run for the passed 2 weeks.  So I came into this race with pretty fresh legs for a triathlete. I have to admit I was a bit sore from getting beat up by the waves the day prior from surfing.  The race conditions had overcast skies, 100% humidity, and high 70s... No surprise there.  I don't know for sure what my run splits were, but I remember going through the 10k mark around 36 minutes and the 10 mile mark at 1:01.  I think I kept a pretty even pace the entire run.  There were times were I felt terrible and I was really fighting to hold a 6 minute mile pace.  I had a pretty good group of runners around me for a decent portion of the race which always helps.  The cheers from the great crowds certainly helped too.  With a mile to go I knew I had a sub-1:20 run (My Main Goal) in the bag, so I slowed a bit that last mile and finished in 1:19.  I am very happy with that time and I think I have a lot of room for improvement.  I feel pretty good with where my running and cycling fitness is at right now going into Augusta 70.3 September 25th.  My cycling is on a whole-notha level right now and I need to put it to work ASAP!  Anyways, after the race I ran another 6 miles back home (which was back along the race course), which was cool because I got to cheer on all the runners.   I then took my bike out for a 30 mile spin at 22-25 mph.  I enjoyed some tasty ice cream afterwards. 

I was ranked 58th overall and 43rd male out of 12,000 or so runners :)

My next race is Augusta 70.3.  I now need to execute a plan that will bring me into that race in the best swim-bike-run condition possible.


Chuck said...

Well I wish you weren't in my damn age group. How do you like running in the compression socks? I have them, but use them for recovery. What do you notice from using them?

Unknown said...

Those are CEP compression sleeves, I don't like the socks, and they help if you have a tendency to cramp in the calf muscle. I feel they help give a bit more explosion off the ground as well.