So it would seem I've been really lazy with this blog...
No, I've just been back into the working-training-sleeping schedule for the passed couple months. All in addition to prepping for school.
With the relatively warmer winter weather the passed couple months my training is off to a fantastic start. I've been logging longer 3-4 hour sustained cycling efforts on the weekends and shorter 60-90 minutes time trial efforts 2-3 times during the weekdays. Backing up the majority of the rides with 30-60 minute runs with a nice amounts of tempo efforts.
In addition to the brick runs I've been consistent with 16-20 mile runs on the weekends as I prepare for the Boston Marathon. I've been training the long runs with a friend who is looking at a 2:45 marathon at Boston, beneficial for me indeed. I am not exact on what pace I'll be running at Boston right now, but the run speed and endurance is looking good so far. I'm only worried that the Boston hills will suck out all my speed after mile 16, bigger guys like me suffer on hills. So what have I been doing??.. well, I've been running hill repeats after my long runs. With 4-5 runs per week.. 2 transition tempo, 1 track session, 1 long run, 1 hill repeat session. My weekly training schedule is never written in stone and is never the same, but I know the training I need to do during the week. Most days I don't know what I'm going to train until that day. I just have to listen to my body, if it tells me it wants to run fast I do it.. luckily this has been the case for the majority runs. Believe me that will change when the weather gets HOT. But I'll definitely embrace it for now.
Those days when I don't necessarily want to go run I just think about how lucky I am to be healthy and able enough to run. And thankfully I have no nagging injuries and am feeling strong. I have to give a lot of credit to the the Newton Racer shoes in curing my f'd up right metatarsal too. Its like the shoes were made for me. Although I don't know why they have to be the most expensive shoes ever. I'm convinced that the Newton Racers are making my transition runs faster as well, they make my body run more forward and I use my hamstrings more which keep the pressure off my tired cycling quads. No secret that I've struggled with my quads cramping up big time at races. I have to say one thing about the Newton shoes is that when you get tired and lose that run form you can go from feeling like running downhill to running uphill. This works the calf muscle more than you really want and efficiency is lost. But that is remedied by "just" increasing endurance in those running muscles.
The swim training is the least promising right now. I'm swimming 4-6 times per week for around 16,000 meters per week. I've completely embraced the pull buoy. Incorporating the pull buoy has allowed me to strictly focus on my arm stroke, and the fact I don't have to kick all the time is reaaaaally nice. I'm still in the endurance building phase and I've not worked on speed too too much. Though it is the least promising discipline right now, I know I am swimming faster at an easier effort just with my dedication to getting to the pool. My goal is clear and that's breaking 27 minutes for 2,000 meters.
Of course my weekly training is not complete without strengthening and stretching training. These sessions occur no less than 4 times per week and are critical to my staying strong and injury free.
And none of this training can be completed without getting the right amount nutrition and sleep. Which is an entirely different beast on its own. And I swear I'm going to hit on some nutritional advice on my next post.
I have signed up for a few small time races for the early season which include a 40k Time Trial March 24th, the Virginia Duathlon April 1st, and the Charlottesville Half Ironman just after the Boston Marathon. I'm hoping by April I'll have a better idea of the Ironman/REV3 Events I need to sign up for.
This is all awesome bro. How do you have time for it all?
I train in my sleep. LOL.
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