Sunday I got up and did an hour of yoga. Then got bundled up for a 70 mile ride in 40 degree weather. The wind was typical Virginia Beach winter wind, 10-15 mph. I was able to take a few pictures at the half way point.

The purpose of the ride was to keep a good consistant endurance pace. Despite the winds, I averaged a little over 23.5 mph for 70 miles. Here you can see my half way numbers.

The name of the road at the turn around point is Land of Promise. I like it.
This year I will be using my Cervelo P2C as my training bike. Using this bike oppose to my monster road bike will really change the way I train on the bike. For instance the power output to keep a 23 mph pace on my road bike is about equal to a 25.5 pace on my TT bike. The numbers get even more skewed when its really windy. And my legs take way less of a beating on the TT bike.

My aero helmet keeps my noggin so much warmer than my road helmet.
After the ride I made the transition to the run. I was feeling pretty good with my knee
recovery and thought I could do at least a 30 minute run off the bike. The run went pretty good. It's difficult to hold back the speed , but very necessary.
After the brick I drove to the rec center to get in a 30 minutes swim and a little bit of lifting. After about 15 minutes into my swim my left quad just seezed up. The cramping was so bad. Man that really hurt. I was obviously done swimming today. As always I didnt take in enough salt during the brick session and I paid for it. I hate salt though.
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